Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Farewell - Chrono Cross

I did not know it,
but in a way,
I have waited an eternity for this moment.

It is strange this feeling,
of two lives converging
of memories, new and yet old
Of being someone new and remembering who I am
of being whole, for the first time.
and in the midst of all this,
I see you.

It is strange too
I know ten thousand years of history.
I have two lifetimes of memories.
I know who and what I am.
and in the same way, I know,
     that I love you.

And now we have to say goodbye.

Ten thousand years of waiting,
     and  in the end,
we have only a few moments.

You will be sent back
to before this adventure began.

I find myself saying,
     and I feel the tears coming.

Your memory will be erased.
You will forget now everything that has happened

Everything we have done,
everything we have shared,
everything we have been though together.
Memories just recovered,
     will be lost.


I hear you say.

You rarely speak,
and now you look so intently 
     into my eyes
and your hand reaches for mine 
     grasping it warmly.
I can't help smiling.

Here at the grave yard 
     of time
          and space
                    and destiny itself
we have our farewells.

"I will find you!"

I say as you begin to fade
into forgetfulness.
You are still holding my hand.

"Sometime, somehow, somewhere..."

You are barely visible now.

"I swear!"

And I feel your hand
slip from mine
     into the streams of time.

A poem that wrote by lady fox. This poem is based on the ending of chrono cross game. It is a very touching poem if you ever see or play the chrono cross game. And for me, this poem can express my feeling for someone.

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